We want to open a communal work space somewhere in Amsterdam West,
starting September 2019. Join us on April 17th!

Are you a freelancer?

Do you work from home, but find yourself missing someone to talk to over lunch?

Does the ‘privilege’ of staying in your pajamas get to you?

Do you miss having people around to share the woes of chasing invoices, negotiating prices or lamenting the pressures of late capitalism?

Do you like working together but feel disgusted (and poor!) in the face of the overly designed, shiny-happy co-working spaces taking over Amsterdam?

Do you long for stability in your precarious freelance life?

Does the slogan ‘work hard play hard’ make you cringe?

Or do you just miss a place to go with nice people who will chat to you while you procrastinate a teeny bit in your otherwise fun and super flexible work life?

If you can answer ‘yes’ to just one of these questions we might be a match. We are disgruntled freelancers looking for like-minded people interested in joining our search for a labour/work space. We like our work but we don’t like the way precarity makes us vulnerable and alone. We dream of a community where we can share gifs and the sorrows of unstable work lives.

The space is inclusive and open to anyone who is willing to participate in the daily maintenance (emotional and practical) of keeping a communal work space alive. We aim to keep prices to a minimum and support to a maximum.

Our labour community and shared working space should be:

A place to be in working mode
A place to keep each other sane
A place of solidarity
A place of inspiration
A place of community

We are looking to establish a community of people with whom we will start the labour community in Amsterdam West, hopefully from september 2019 onward. The event is hosted by De Appel, but the labour community will be located elsewhere.

Sounds interesting? Please join us for an information evening to discuss how we can make this happen!

On April 4th and 17th we will discuss dreams and needs at De Appel, Shipluidenlaan 12.

On April 4th we talked to organiser Ronja Mannov from Danish co-working community S-Rummet. See more about S-Rummet here: http://s-rummet.dk/ (in Danish but Google translate).

On April 17th we will talk to co-worker Johannes Fogtmann from co-working space Overdosseringen about building sustainable work lives. More about Overdosseringen here: http://overdosseringen.dk/ (same).

Let us know if you can make it on: amsterdamlabourcommunity@gmail.com

All our labour love,

The Amsterdam Labour Community